Africa, in the shadow of the gods
A reference publication
The cataloging of the collections was essential to ensure the heritage Mission of the Museum. An inventory of the Spiritan collections had already been made but we went even further with the publication of a catalog for the public. We called upon the skills of Somogy Art Editions and of a professional photographer, Vincent Girier Dufournier. The book has been on sale since September 6, 2017.
A true scientific guarantee for the museum, this book/catalog presents the specific history of the Spiritan collections and develops many aspects that the strict framework of the museum rooms will not allow. It is also a valuable resource for visitors wishing to extend and deepen their discovery of the museum, as well as a reference book for all amateurs and specialists of African art.
A patient research work carried out for several years by the most eminent Equatorial Africa specialists has helped not only to shed light on the history of the Spiritan collection, but also to discover many unpublished objects, including some authentic masterpieces of African art. Accompanied by archival documents, analyzes and superb illustrations, the collections of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit are presented to the general public in all their diversity and richness.
Africa, in the shadow of the gods
African collections of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit
Under the direction of Nicolas Rolland
Co-editors: Congregation of the
Holy Spirit / Somogy Art Editions
215 pages / 219 illustrations / 39 €
For sale at the Museum
Release Date: September 2017
with the texts of:
- Louis Perrois
- Roland Kaehr
- Philippe Laburthe-Tolra
- Nicolas Rolland
- Charlotte Grand-Dufay
- Frédéric Cloth
- Charles Wesley-Hourdé
and more...
Africa, in the shadow of the gods
A video presentation