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Opening hours and tickets

Open Saturday and Sunday, 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
approximately one hour's visit

Reservations required outside opening hours

see contact below

For groups of 8 people or more, 

remember to book in advance to facilitate guided tours


For children aged 6 to 12,

age- appropriate workshops are available.


For families and the general public: 

Le Mystère de l'Œuvre 51, a enigma game for indiduals or teams of up to 5 players. Allow around an hour of play


How to access

Spiritan Museum of African Arts:

Maison Saint-Joseph

4 Montée de la Butte

26400 Allex


Ancre 1
Ancre 2


The Spiritan Museum of African Arts is located in the Maison Saint Joseph, a vast estate located in the heart of the hilltop village of Allex, overlooking the Drôme valley.

The non-profit association Accueil Saint-Joseph d'Allex offers accommodation services for groups or individuals.

maison et accueil st joseph d'Allex

Do not hesitate to contact the association to find out more:

Saint Joseph of Allex House

Ancre 3

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Musée Spiritain des Arts Africains

The museum depends on the generosity of its visitors. You can support us by making an online donation using the form beside (tax-deductible up to 66% of the amount, subject to a limit of 20% of taxable income).

© 2017, Congrégation du Saint-Esprit

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